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Thrivve Spotlight Awards


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Welcome to the Thrivve Spotlight Awards, where we celebrate the brilliance, creativity, and resilience of international students across Canada. At Thrivve Magazine, we believe in the power of diversity and the extraordinary contributions that international students bring to our communities. The Thrivve Spotlight Awards are designed to shine a spotlight on those who go above and beyond in their academic, entrepreneurial, cultural, and artistic endeavours.

Join us in recognizing these inspiring individuals and their incredible achievements as we light the path for future generations of international students. Nominate, support, and celebrate the stars that make our world brighter!


Academic Excellence Award

Community and Cultural Impact Award

Entrepreneurial Leadership Award

Resilience in Adversity Award

Outstanding Alumni Award

Artistic and Creative Achievement Award

International Student of the Year Award

Best International Student Support Initiative Award

Teacher of Impact Award

  • Review the award categories and criteria to determine the most suitable category for your nominee.  
  • Gather all necessary information about the nominee, including their achievements and contributions that meet the specific criteria for the selected award category.    
  • Prepare a high-quality, landscape video (2-5 minutes long) of the nominee telling their story, including how long they have been in Canada and their accomplishments related to the award criteria. 
  • All nominations must be submitted on 8 July 2024 by 23:59 PST.
  • Ensure that you complete and submit the nomination form, including the video, before the deadline to be considered for the awards.
  • Public announcement will be made on 1 November 2024.

Become a
Thrivve Spotlight Awards Sponsor!

Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of international students by becoming a sponsor of the Thrivve Spotlight Awards. This is a unique opportunity to support and connect with a vibrant community of talented individuals who are making a significant impact. Your sponsorship will help us recognize and reward the brilliance, creativity, and resilience of these inspiring students.
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact us today to learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how you can get involved. Together, we can light the path for future generations!
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